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         Inspired Leadership Through Relationship



Equine Coaching is a powerful and transformative career and professional development experience. Using equine facilitated learning exercises with horses as partners in the learning experience, clients can develop clear boundaries, learn about their communication style and the effect of non-verbal cues on their environment and learn about flexible and creative leadership by receiving immediate feedback.


Equine Facilitated Learning is a powerful tool in transforming your ability to lead and work together. Learn how your nonverbal messages influence the way others perceive you as a leader or team member. Expand your awareness of your communication strengths and gaps. Learn to align your intentions with body language that supports – rather than sabotages – your message.

Horses have a special ability to provide you with a dramatic view of how your leadership skills and team work measure up. Over time, many of us learn to hide feelings and filter reactions in the work place.  A horse, however, will hold up a mirror to your leadership style in ways you simply won’t get from your team or your peers.

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